Obscene Hypocrisy
How sad it is to see the British Prime Minister express his
commitment to preventing 'a human tragedy' in Kosovo when all the while the UK and US
oppose the lifting of sanctions from Iraq. It is hypocrisy to claim that the
West is commited to humanitarian causes, and in the same breath express a commitment to
bombarding Serbia with which we are not at war or in any way threatened. Each day approx
250 people die in Iraq as a direct result of the sanctions applied by the UN, and endorsed
eagerly by the US and the UK. Children are dying in droves, people are dying from unusual
illnesses, almost certainly caused by the use of Depleted Uranium during the 'dessert
storm' campaign. Over 90,000 US service men and women are affected. Why do the press and
media not remind us of this, for if they did it would immediately expose the fact that the
major western powers have absolutely no interest in preventing a 'humanitarian tragedy'
and they should not insult our intelligence by claiming so. How many of you know that the
NATO has depleted uranium in the
Balkans? how many of you know that it has already been used? How many of us know that
the US actually plans to use tactical nuclear weapons againts Iraq?
How many of us are aware of the degree to which the US, UK and others committed war crimes
in Iraq? The US commited crimes in Vietnam,
nobody went to prison for MyLai.