An American Opinion
Home ] Up ] Chronology of KLA ] NATO Campaign ] Letters from Yugoslavia ] A Discussion: Robbie vs. Deepshooter ] Slouching Toward Peace ] [ An American Opinion ] Mineral Resources in Kosovo ] Humanitarian Disaster ] Motivations and Consequences ] Clinton`s Scheme ] Evolution of Democracy ] Last Free People in Europe ] German Interests in War ] Do not Sell the Hide ] Obscene Hipocrasy ] When Will the Media Call It War ] NATO Briefing ] Deception ] Who is the liar ] Case Against Further Bombing ] World Power Oil Gold ] Bankers New World Order ] Bombing Free Press ] There will be no III World War ] Why are there no Serbian refugees? ] Why Kosovars Flee ] Houston ] US Bombing of Albanian Refugees ] Winning and Losing ] After the Slaughter ] Kosovars vs. Kurds ] New Roman Empire (12 articles) ] Essence of the New World Order ] NATO Cluster Bombs Kill Serbs ] The NATO Coup That Failed ] The Method of Distortion ] NATO`s Victory ] Why New World Order Hates Serbs ] Enforcing Agreements ] A War of Words ] Krajina - The Croatian Invasion ]


europeS.jpg (4853 bytes)
US troops out of Europe!
Chronology of KLA
NATO Campaign
Letters from Yugoslavia
A Discussion: Robbie vs. Deepshooter
Slouching Toward Peace
An American Opinion
Mineral Resources in Kosovo
Humanitarian Disaster
Motivations and Consequences
Clinton`s Scheme
Evolution of Democracy
Last Free People in Europe
German Interests in War
Do not Sell the Hide
Obscene Hipocrasy
When Will the Media Call It War
NATO Briefing
Who is the liar
Case Against Further Bombing
World Power Oil Gold
Bankers New World Order
Bombing Free Press
There will be no III World War
Why are there no Serbian refugees?
Why Kosovars Flee
US Bombing of Albanian Refugees
Winning and Losing
After the Slaughter
Kosovars vs. Kurds
New Roman Empire (12 articles)
Essence of the New World Order
NATO Cluster Bombs Kill Serbs
The NATO Coup That Failed
The Method of Distortion
NATO`s Victory
Why New World Order Hates Serbs
Enforcing Agreements
A War of Words
Krajina - The Croatian Invasion


Highly recommended articles:
+ This is the News
+ Bar Too High For Serbs to Comply
+ Why New World Order Hates Serbs
+ New Roman Empire

+A Truly Heroic Resistance
+Theory of American Stupidity
+Last Free People in Europe

TVonFire2_small.jpg (2904 bytes)
of the Belgrade Coup

Editor & Webmaster
Leon Chame - 2008

Yugoslav Associates:
- Zoran Radojicic
- Dejan Vukelic
- George Orwell

Contributing Websites:
- Original Sorces
- Transnational (TFF)
- Fair sources


avgust 20, 2008

















American Opinion

Although I am an American citizen, born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, I
have lived, studied and worked in Yugoslavia (Serbia) for almost thirteen
years now. I initially came to help a friend build his house in a village
near Novi Sad. Subsequently I fell in love, got married and established my
family here. I have been working at the College of Arts and Sciences at the
University of Novi Sad as a language instructor for about nine years.

In my time here, I have come to love the people of this nation, and I am
very proud of my new home here. I have friends among many of the
nationalities who live here in Vojvodina and have an enormous range of
friends, from farmers to university professors. Life here has always
been a challenge, dealing with the languages, with the economic crises, with
the nearby wars. However, it has been overwhelmingly rewarding. My life was
peaceful and full of love and companionship, until Wednesday, March 24,
1999. That evening, NATO bombs began to fall on my second homeland, and
on the town I call home. How could anyone decide to stay here in the midst
of NATO airstrikes, among a people the western press claims is committing
"ethnic cleansing"?

There are two reasons for my being here. My daughter Sara was born on at
2:30 a.m. on Monday, March 22, 1999 in the local hospital. My wife and
daughter came home on the very day the bombing started. They are doing
well, but they are obviously in no condition to travel. Moreover, in a state
of war, it is very hard to find a means of transportation which is adequate
to their needs. The wisdom of sitting in a metal container with a heat
signature at this time and place is also questionable. There are also the
technical problems of registering my daughter when I dare not step out
of the house. You cannot cross borders with an unregistered baby. On the
other hand, I am not sure I would leave even if those conditions were met. My
life, my apartment, my work, my family, many of my friends-they are all
here. I am a loyal resident of this country. I teach, I translate, I do
whatever I can to make my community a better place to live in, just as I
would if I were living somewhere in the USA. I have been met with open
arms and embraced by the people of this land. Leaving them in this hour of
need does not seem right. In the end of all things, my son Luka and my
daughter are half-Serb.

As the bombs and rockets rip the land each day, I find myself reflecting
about why this is happening. Knowing that I have freedom of expression
in my homeland, I have decided to share my reflections. I find my thoughts
following two lines of analysis. I would like to express them both in
this editorial.

First Line - Citizens of Serbia

From the standpoint of the people who live here, shock was generally the
first feeling experienced when the attacks began. Now, we are all appalled
at what is taking place. The long term friendship between Serbia and the
USA was destroyed when the first bomb fell. It is true that the Serbs have a
traditional friendship with the Russians, but that is not to overshadow
their remarkable ties to the US throughout this century. The media have
a way of sidelining that fact, but the history books bear it out. People
here feel betrayed by a traditional ally - the US.

Yet, the Serbs have a history of fighting against greater powers. The
Ottomans, the Austro-Hungarians, and the Germans. Now the Germans are
being allowed to take part in a new campaign against the Serbs. The Hungarians
have allowed NATO to use their airspace, as have the Croatians. The raids
are being launched from NATO airbases in Italy. Seen in terms of the Second
World War, none of that comes as a great surprise. It also comes as no
surprise that, now that NATO has invaded a sovereign state for the first
time in its fifty year history (the cynics here say it was only a matter
of time), people here are not in a panic. They have faced the "big guy on
the block" before, have taken some beatings, won some victories, and
survived. They feel they will survive this as well.

In the past, the attackers were always neighbors. The current airstrikes
prove that the world has become indeed a Global Village, in the most
pessimistic sense of that phrase. President Clinton says that we have
vital interests in the Balkans, and he is striking Yugoslavia as easily as if
it were a next door neighbor. The difference this time is that there are
relatively few (are there ever too few?) civilian casualties. The advanced
technology of the NATO pact is allowing precision strikes on military
and not-so-military targets. (Blowing up an old soap factory and a defunct
cable factory seem to be the questionable targets in Novi Sad itself). A
famous Serb author, Svetislav Basara, has written that such advanced technology
was not created for humane purposes. He claims that human casualties are to
be avoided because a dead enemy is a dead consumer for the global market.
You cannot sell fancy western products to corpses. While cynical, there is a
ring of truth to this.

Thus, the Yugoslavs feel they are being attacked because they refused to sign an agreement that was being sold to them by America, one which would ensure a "global" way of life, but one which would put NATO forces on their sovereign territory.

These forces would necessarily include American troops, by the way, no matter what the White House is currently claiming about its unwillingness to include ground forces in
this particular package. When one reads the document signed by the Kosovar
Albanians in Paris, this becomes apparent. It contains Annex B which
states that NATO would have the right to move freely throughout Yugoslavia. In
earlier times, signing such a document would be called a "capitulation",
and from a territorial stance "annexation".

Opinions about what should be done with Kosovo were divided as long as I
have lived here. Some said the Albanians were welcome here. Some said
theyshould behave more like normal citizens. (There are some 100,000
Albaniansliving in Belgrade. On Sunday, some of them staged a protest against the

bombings. This was warmly greeted by the Serbs.) Some said that Kosovo
should be partitioned off and given to Albania. Others claimed that
Kosovo should be swept clean of Albanians and resettled by Serbs. There was no
consensus. When that first Tomahawk crashed into Serbia on Wednesday
night, all divisions ceased. Kosovo will now be dealt with the way the
government here feels it should with the whole-hearted backing of the general
populace. NATO has rushed in where even fools do not dare. By declaring war on the

Serbs, NATO has set the current humanitarian problem in motion. There
were always problems in Kosovo, but the NATO strikes are clearly at fault for
the fact that tens of thousands of people are on the road out of the country
tonight. Whatever people here thought of Milosevic's regime before (and
there are always varying opinions about politicians), they now back him
as their commander-in-chief. Just as people would in any other country.

There is also a sense of frustration here about the fact that Russia,
China, India, and Greece are being ignored so blatantly. The news broadcasts
from the UK and US keep showing government and NATO leaders talking about how
they have the support of the "International Community". Clearly, they
have redefined the term "International Community". For NATO leaders that
means anyone who agrees with them. Anyone who dissents is marginalized. One
can presuppose that the tens of thousands of people protesting in the
streets all over the world are also not a part of the International Community.
Turning a deaf ear to opposition is not one of the hallmarks of
democracy, and is certainly incongruous with what we Americans consider to be the
"American Way".

The stance of international justice also seems to have gotten muddled
for those of us who reside here. In the first place, the Serbs have been hit
by NATO twice before. Once in Croatia and once in Bosnia. This newest wave
of bombing proves that NATO has something personal against the Serbs. No
one can answer the logical question of why the Serbs are always the ones to
be Satanized by NATO and the western media. An analogy will help to clarify
the situation: when the Serbs attacked Vukovar and it was left in ruins,
they were labeled "war criminals". On the other hand, pictures are now coming
out of Prishtina (the capital of Kosovo). The NATO bombers have inflicted
irreparable damage to the town, leaving it looking very much like
Vukovar. How will the NATO leaders be labeled for that? The devil in me doubts
that they will be labeled little other than "heroes".

The enormous spirit and tremendous sense of humor among the Yugoslavs is
overwhelming. True, many are frightened, in hiding from the explosions
which seem to come from nowhere. But overall, the spirit of these people is
far from broken. They understand that NATO could have destroyed 600 targets
intwo days, but that the demands of psychological warfare dictate that it
be drawn out over a longer period. The unease of knowing when and where the
bombs will come is supposed to generate feelings of uncertainty and
discontent. Such tactics are failing miserably here, and the majority of
the people have decided to ignore that particular element of the game. Each
day there are concerts in Belgrade's main square, people move about their
lives and jobs with additional care, but life has very much gone on here, as
if to spite what they see as the childish tactics of the war technicians in
Brussels. One of the most startling things I have heard these days was
the comment of a young friend of mine. "They can take my life," she said,
"but they cannot take away my dignity." Her dignity is more important to her
than her fear of cruise missiles. That gives cause for reflection.

Second line - A Citizen of the United States

This is not about divided loyalties, a lack of patriotism, or schizophrenia.
I have always loved my country, and I love it today. I still feel it is
the greatest place on earth. As an ex-patriot, I am in a position to see
many of the beauties of the United States from an objective distance, and
thereby my love for my homeland is perhaps even stronger than for many of the
people who live in it. Moreover, I am one of the representatives of that
country for, though I am only a private citizen, my work brings me into contact
with thousands of people. For many of them, I am the only American they have
ever met, or will meet, and their impression of the United States often
depends on their impression of me.

Though I am no political or legal expert (I am just a humble English
teacher), the situation in which I find myself demands that I ask the
question of what the justification for these airstrikes can be. Article One
of the NATO statute clearly states that the organization's members are
not to use their military might against any sovereign state, unless that
state attacks them. Yugoslavia has attacked no one. Yet, since Wednesday, NATO
has been pounding a variety of targets all over Yugoslavia. Logically, an
organization which violates its own founding principles must cease to exist
as an organization, or it must reformulate its founding principles. Perhaps
there was a secret meeting where NATO suddenly amended its statute so as
to allow it to attack at will, to crush countries who have rejected their
offers of membership, for example. Or, perhaps they should reconstitute
themselves under a new name. NATO ceased to exist as a legal entity at
7:55 p.m. on March 24.

Second, in making the decision to bomb Yugoslavia without a specific
resolution from the United Nations, NATO cast the UN aside as a totally
marginal institution. The NATO members knew that if they put up a
resolution in the Security Council to bomb Yugoslavia, the Russians and Chinese
would veto. Their excuse for the air attacks is Yugoslavia's non-compliance
(asthey describe it) with earlier resolutions. This means that NATO will
nowhave a free hand to attack any country which refuses to comply with a
resolution. Tonight, on the sixth night of bombing, the UN has taken no firm
action to reestablish its authority. The Russian representative to the UN
has tried to pass several resolutions to stop the bombing, which are now
all being vetoed by the US. Catch 22. The only conclusion I can draw as an
average citizen is that the UN must either react to what is happening, or
lose all credibility as a political factor in the world. That will destroy
fifty odd years of hard work and enormous expense, and will certainly
not make the world a better place.

Furthermore, as Americans we tend to think of the cost per value aspect
of any exchange. The United States, with a population of about 250 million,
the most powerful country to have ever existed, has already spent billions
of dollars of the taxpayers' money blowing up military targets in
Yugoslavia, a country with a population of about 8 million. The taxpayers' money is
also causing "collateral damage" to schools, hospitals, and private homes,
right in the heart of Europe. All of this is inconceivably illogical. Are
President Clinton and Madeleine Allbright telling us that our enormous
economic and diplomatic power could not be used to convince an ally to
remain an ally? That is clearly a fantasy. The problem rather seems to
lie in the fact that, somewhere in the planning rooms, a program was drawn
up to set the Balkans up in a manageable way. With the Serbs being the largest
ethnic group in the Balkans, it is clear that their country must be
atomized, they must be disunited so that they are no longer a regional
power in Europe. In Paris, the Serbs were presented with a fait accompli.
"Agree to NATO presence, or we are going to blow up your army and kill your
citizens." If one looks at the events of the past decade, this idea is
at least worth consideration. In terms of buying power, those tax dollars
may have been better spent on an intensive study of the problem, a detailed
analysis of the history and characters of the peoples involved, and a
carefully planned negotiation process.

I do not believe that President Clinton has ever been to Kosovo. I do
not believe he has ever seen the beauty of the 800 year-old monastery of
Gracanica, which was also damaged by the air attacks. He never saw the
mosques, the synagogues, the cathedrals and patriarchates. I have come
to doubt he ever really sat down and talked with Albanians from Kosovo, or
with Serbs from Kosovo, to find out what they really wanted. I am convinced
that he could have come to Yugoslavia, sat down with the parties in the
conflict, and convinced them there was a peaceful way out. I would contend that,
as the highest representative of the most powerful nation on earth, he had
a responsibility to do so, if one of the vital interests of the United
States is to ensure peace in Europe and in the world as he claims. Rather,
without a clear understanding of the mentality of the people who live here,
after analyzing piles of statistics and military data instead of the moral and
spiritual state of the people of Yugoslavia, he decided for violent action.
He thus put the lives of American military personnel in grave danger, with
very little or no authorization from the American people. In doing so, he
violated the principles of the Presidency, the principles upon which the UN
and NATO were founded, and ultimately he was unfaithful to the American
people. I am not angry at him. I feel misled and betrayed by him and certain
individuals in his administration. With such actions and policies, the
present administration is making the world an unsafe, even dangerous,
place for all citizens of the United States. That is clearly not in the
interest of the average US citizen.

Let us be clear again: I am not trying to justify the Yugoslav authorities
or any of their actions. That is their business, and their experts must work
on presenting a clearer picture of their vision of their own country. BOTH
sides should have sat down and worked on a proper solution, that is obvious.
What I am saying is that the people of Yugoslavia, and especially the
Serbs, are not genocidal monsters as they are being depicted by the Clinton
administration and the western media. Please heed the words of one who
has lived and is still living among them, even when they are at war with my
own country. These are a broad-minded and loving, if stubborn, people. They
have criminals, and they have saints. They are an invaluable part of the vast
cultural heritage of Europe, and they deserve respect, support and
encouragement as they struggle to become a vital part of a thriving Europe.
They do not deserve to be showered with the wrath of the Clinton
administration and its dependence on its ephemeral military strength.

The Future

The situation is infinitely complicated here, and it would require
volumes to explain all the intricacies of the Gordian knot called the Balkans.
It seems that President Clinton has made the same mistake as one of his
political forebears, Alexander the Great. Unable to untie the knot, he
simply took his sword and hacked it in two. And we know the ultimate
fate of Alexander and his Empire, and of all empires which place might above
right. Perhaps it is not too late, but a major turnabout is due.

To the sounds of air-raid sirens, tonight I will bathe my baby daughter
and put her to sleep. I will continue to teach my five and a half year-old
son to read and count. And I will teach both of my children to live by the
principles upon which America, and all western civilization, was founded. I
will do this because I believe the greatness of our culture is not in its
material wealth or military power. It is in its commitment to principles,
justice and morality.

Tonight, light a candle and whisper a prayer for us, will you? We will
do the same for you. Peace on earth, good will to men.

Randall A. Major
Novi Sad, Yugoslavia