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avgust 20, 2008
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New World Order = banker-owned World under
a banker-owned World Government!
Excerpts from Sheldon Emry's essay
In his essay, "Billions for the Bankers--Debts for the People: An indictment of the
Federal Reserve System," Sheldon Emry examines the corruption and expansionism at the
core of the American monetary system.
Three Types of Conquest History reveal, Nations can be conquered by the use of one or more
of three methods.
The most common is conquest by war. In time, though, this
method usually fails, because the captives hate the captors and rise up and drive them out
if they can. Much force is needed to maintain control, making it expensive for the
conquering nation.
A second method is by religion, where men are convinced they
must give their captors part of their earnings as "obedience to God." Such a
captivity is vulnerable to philosophical exposure or by overthrow by armed force, since
religion by its nature lacks military force to regain control, once its captives become
The third method can be called economic conquest. It takes
place when nations are placed under "tribute" without the use of visible force
or coercion, so that the victims do not realize they have been conquered.
"Tribute" is collected from them in the form of "legal" debts and
taxes, and they believe they are paying it for their own good, for the good of others, or
to protect all from some enemy. Their captors become their "benefactors" and
"protectors". Although this is the slowest to impose, it is often quite long
lasting, as the captives do not see any military force arrayed against them, their
religion is left more or less intact, they have freedom to speak and travel, and they
participate in "elections" for their rulers. Without realizing it, they are
conquered, and the instruments of their own society are used to transfer their wealth to
their captors and make the conquest complete.
Is it possible a form of conquest has been imposed on America?
Instead of peace and debt-free prosperity, we have ever-mounting
debt and cyclical periods of war. We as a people are now ruled by a system of banking
influence that has usurped the mantle of government, disguised itself as our legitimate
government, and set about to pauperize and control our people. It is now a
centralized, all-powerful political apparatus whose main purposes are promoting war,
confiscating the people's money, and propagandizing to perpetuate its power. Our two main
political parties have become its servants, the various departments of government have
become its spending agencies, and the Internal Revenue Service is its collection agency.
Unknown to the people, it operates in close cooperation with
similar apparatuses in other nations, which are also disguised as "governments."
Some, we are told, are friends. Some, we are told, are enemies. "Enemies" are built up through international manipulations and
used to frighten the American people into going billions of dollars further into debt to
the bankers for "military preparedness," "foreign aid to stop
communism," "the drug war," etc. Citizens, deliberately confused by
brainwashing propaganda, watch helplessly while our politicians give food, goods, and
money to banker-controlled alien governments under the guise of "better
relations" and "easing tensions." Our
banker-controlled government takes our finest and bravest sons and sends them into foreign
wars where tens of thousands are murdered, and hundreds of thousands are crippled (not to
mention collateral damage and casualties among the "enemy" troops. When the "war" is over, we have gained nothing, but we are
billions of dollars further in debt to the bankers, which was the reason for the
"war" in the first place!
CONTROLLED NEWS AND INFORMATION So-called "economic experts" write syndicated
columns in hundreds of newspapers, craftily designed to prevent the people from learning
the simple truth about our money system. Sometimes commentators, educators, and
politicians blame our financial conundrum on the workers for being wasteful, lazy, or
stingy. Other times, they blame workers and consumers for the increase in debts and the
inflation of prices, when they know the cause is the debt-money system itself. Our people
are literally drowned in charges and counter-charges designed to confuse them and keep
them from understanding the unconstitutional and evil money system that is so efficiently
and silently robbing the farmers, the workers, and the businessmen of the fruits of their
labor and of their freedoms. Some, who are especially vocal in their
exposure of the treason against the people, are harassed by government agencies such as
the EPA, OSHA, the IRS, and others, forcing them into financial strain or bankruptcy.
They have been completely successful in preventing most Americans from learning the things
you have read in this article. However, in spite of their control of information, many
citizens are learning the truth.
The "almost hidden" conspirators in politics, religion,
education, entertainment, and the news media are working for the banker-owned United
States, in a banker-owned World under a banker-owned World Government! (This is what all
the talk of a New World Order promoted by Presidents Bush and Clinton is all about.) Unfair banking policies and taxes
will continue to take a larger and larger part of the annual earning of the people and put
them into the pockets of the bankers and their political agents. Increasing government
regulations will prevent citizen protest and opposition to their control. It is possible
that your grandchildren will own neither home nor car, but will live in "government
owned" apartments and ride to work in "government owned" buses (both paying
interest to the bankers), and be allowed to keep just enough of their earnings to buy a
minimum of food and clothing while their rulers wallow in luxury. In Asia and eastern Europe it is called
"communism;" in America it is called "Democracy" and "Capitalism." America
will not shake off her Banker-controlled dictatorship as long as the people are ignorant
of the hidden controllers. Banking Industry, which control most of the governments of the
nations, and most sources of information, seem to have us completely within their grasp. They are afraid of only one thing: an awakened patriotic citizenry.
the complete article can be found