Is It Democracy or Anarchy that Clinton and Blair Demand in Europe?
By Mary Mostert
After the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia ended, an all out effort was made by the
victors to force Slobodan Milosevic to resign in favor of "democratic elections"
the worldwide media hammered at us daily. In October 1999 "anti-Milosevic"
rallies grew to 150,000 people. Today those rallies are lucky to get 15,000 people. What happened? Well, for one, the people of
Yugoslavia have watched the beleaguered Milosevic manage somehow to repair roads, rebuild
the five transmission lines destroyed by American bombs and missiles and fix downed
bridges sufficiently that people can walk, and in some cases drive, across rivers in spite
of sanctions which have prohibited the Serbs from being able to buy materials to make
those repairs from other nations - not even former parts of Yugoslavia.
In fact, reports coming to me indicate that the utter chaos in the
area is in Kosovo, which is being governed by the United Nations and KFOR and costing
billions of dollars. It's hard to conclude that there is anything but almost total
anarchy going on in Kosovo, based on reports from KFOR itself and its apparent inability
of protecting ANY non-Albanian or even moderate Albanians in the province.
Clinton and the West are demanding that the Serbs kick
Milosevic out of office and in a "free election" choose someone more to their
liking. In fact, that apparently was the main reason for the
bombing of Serbia. In a Memorial Day speech 1999, as our bombers were obliterating
as much of Yugoslavia as possible, Bill Clinton justified the action saying:
" In Kosovo we see some parallels to World War II, for the
government of Serbia, like that of Nazi Germany, rose to power in part by getting people
to look down on people of a given race and ethnicity, and to believe they had no place in
their country, and even no right to live. But even more troubling, we see some parallels
to the rumblings all around the world where people continue to fall out with one another
and think they simply cannot share common ground and a common future with people who
worship God in a different way or have a slightly different heritage.
Of course, he failed to mention the fact that, in Kosovo,
approximately one third of the people who were creating problems were not citizens of
Yugoslavia but were illegal aliens from Albania, after its communist government fell apart.
Apparently that is not significant. In the United States there are currently about 3.5
million illegal aliens, in a population of over 268,000,000, many of them arriving during
the Clinton Administration, and it is not politically correct to point out that they often
are the prime source of crime. Ask any police chief in any town in California or Texas.
That is not a "racist" statement. It is simply an historical fact. Once the
group that generated most of the crime in big cities of America were the Irish. In
Rochester, New York, the Irish immigrant section of town in the 1850s was so dangerous the
local police stayed out of it.
So, when America found out the hard way in Kosovo that
the Albanians were not angels and the reason why Milosevic sent in the Yugoslav Army, was
because over 300 members of the police had been shot and killed by Albanian terrorists in
1998-99. And, it didn't seem to matter whether the policemen were Serbs or ethnic
Albanians. The fact of the matter was, and is, that a well armed group of ethnic Albanian
terrorists goes around killing, robbing, raping and burning down homes of anyone who is
non-Albanian, or even Albanians who are peaceloving.
Now, in the news, is another European politician who has
spoken out against a veritable take-over of Austria by aliens. Jorge Haider, of Austria's
Freedom Party, took second place in elections in October and his party has become part of
the Austria government. This came about, as did Milosevic's electoral victories, via
people voting in free and open elections. The result of votes cast last October gave the
ruling Social Democrats in Austria 33 per cent, down from 38 per cent in 1995, the Freedom
Party 27.22 per cent, up from 21, and the conservative People's Party, the junior partner
in the ruling coalition, 26.9 per cent, down from 28.3 per cent
"The election has thrown Austria's traditional political
landscape into confusion and prompted a frenetic bout of horsetrading on forming a new
Why? Because the Freedom Party is dubbed a "far right"
party - similar, to the media, of the "far right" wing of the Republican party,
for example. As a result of the Austrian people choosing candidates that the socialists of
Europe and America deem "dangerous" and "too far right," they appear
to be about ready to cancel the Austrian democratic election.
What exactly has Haider said that is so terrible? He has said he would halt
immigration. Shades of Pat Buchanan! Why? Because he thinks that the growing crime rate
and unemployment problems in Austria may be traced to the 30% of the population who are
NOT Austrians. Is he wrong in stating that is a problem? No one I have read have disputed
the figures. They have merely condemned Haider for SAYING it out loud.
Haider was also strongly criticized by Anti-Defamation League of Austria's
Jewish community, and Austrian political leaders for equating the expulsion of the Sudeten
Germans from Bohemia and northern Moravia after World War II with the Holocaust. Speaking
on the subject of restitution to victims of the Nazi regime on the "ZiB2"
television news program, Haider said, "If Jewish emigrants are granted their demands,
there will be no end to this so-called reparation. When Sudeten-Germans make the same
demands to the Czech authorities, they are told that it's not possible, because the line
must be drawn somewhere. But what's fair for one should be fair for all.
"This really upset the ADL which considered the statement a
minimizing of "the Jewish genocide" according to Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National
Director, and Marta Halpert, ADL Central and Eastern European Regional Director. "By
comparing these two incomparable historic events, Mr. Haider minimizes the tragedy of the
Jewish genocide."
Actually, Haider was not "minimizing the Jewish
genocide." He was saying there has to be an end to the reparations game.
Shortly after World War II the remaining Jews of Europe received huge amounts of financial
assistance to either emigrate to Israel, America or elsewhere or rebuild in European
countries. Admittedly before and during the war the Jews had little help. In fact, bills
passed in 1921 and 1924 in the United States limited immigration of Jews and others, just
in time to make it increasingly difficult for the Jews of Europe to escape Nazi
extermination. A total of 5, 750,000 Jews had been slaughtered by the German Nazis.
However, in the constant designation of the holocaust being a
"Jewish genocide" other groups of people, including the 1.7 million Serbs who
were slaughtered by Croatian, Bosnian and Albanian Nazis during World War II, plus
the slaughter of Poles, Gypsies (Roma), mentally retarded and others deemed
"undesirable" have been all but ignored. In fact, in recent years the U.S.
media, especially CNN have criticized the Serbs for "hanging on" to their
distrust of Croatians, Albanians and Bosnians who killed one in seven Serbs 50 years ago
in an effort to eliminate them as an ethnic group.
In "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer described the
episode that cost the most lives in Hitler's 1939-40 "resettlement" program in
On October 9, two days after assuming the latest of his posts Himmler decreed that 550,000
of the 650,000 Jews living in the annexed Polish provinces, together with all Poles not
fit for 'assimilation,' should be moved into the territory of the General Government, east
of the Vistula River. Within a year, 1,200,000 Poles and 300,000 Jews had been uprooted
and driven to the East. Himmler himself described it, in addressing the S.S.
"It happened in Poland in weather forty degrees below zero,
where we had to haul away thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands; where we
had to have the toughness - you should hear this, but also forget it immediately - to
shoot thousands of leading Poles ...Gentlemen, it is much easier in many cases to go into
combat with a company than to suppress an obstructive population of low cultural level, or
to carry out executions or to haul away people or evict crying and hysterical women."
Yes, 5,750,000 Jews died. But the total number of deaths resulting
from those years was 30,000,000 people - 20 million of them died in the USSR, who was our
ally in World War II.
I can't think of any policy that is more apt to rekindle the resentments and
anger that led to the death of 30 million people in World War II than the constant
ignoring of the others who suffered and died in those Nazi concentration camps.
Remembering the lives of the 23,350,000 who lost their lives due to World War II does not
mean that the 5,750,000 Jews have been forgotten.
If, as I have read, 30% of the people living in Austria today are foreign born,
we are not in a good position to lecture the Austrians on "accepting" more
foreign born. When the United States limited immigration in 1921 and 1924, it was because
there were 13,920,692 foreign born living in the United States in 1920 in a population of
105,710,620. America thought it had too many aliens when only 13% of its population were
foreign born. The stringent restrictions on immigration led to a mere 580,207 immigrant
aliens being allow into the United States from 1931 to 1941 - of which only 161,262 were
It is bizarre that there is such condemnation of people like Haider who don't
want their nation turned totally into a conclave for Africans or Middle Eastern Muslims,
when the African and Middle Eastern Muslim nations have policies hostile to the
immigration of whites from Europe. In fact, in South Africa, people whose families have
lived there for over 300 years are being driven out, with Nelson Mandela saying, publicly,
"Let them go! Good riddance!"
That might be compared with Haider saying, after criticism from Israel over his comments
about too many "foreigners" in Austria, ""Israel should clean up in
front of its own door and first resolve its problems with the Palestinians!" This
just about created apoplexy in the International media. However, one
might say that nations, such as the USA and Israel, are being a tiny bit hypocritical in
lecturing Haider about getting along with others. Under Clinton we have bombed quite a
number of nations and seem to have now, or have had, sanctions against half the nations of
the world, one of them being an island 90 miles off the coast of Florida. The nations of
Europe we seem to be condemning, Yugoslavia and Austria, so far have not bombed anyone
else's country.
Increasingly, it appears, if voters in other countries don't vote
the way the White House wants them to vote, they are treated as enemies and either
isolated, sanctioned or bombed. And where does that lead? Quite often to the kind of
anarchy that now exists in Kosovo.