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US troops out of Europe!
Search For Justice
The Perfect Storm
Lies & Greed
20 Lies of George W. Bush
Destroy only one street
All necessary means
Looking for Trouble
Nato`s Success in 2002
Might Makes Right
US troops rescue terrorists
The Fire Trial, Sequel
How the West
Images of Belgrade Revolution
Preshevo Valley
Foreign Interference
PC Security
USA - A Rogue nation
Fox News


Highly recommended articles:
+ This is the News
+ Bar Too High For Serbs to Comply
+ Why New World Order Hates Serbs
+ New Roman Empire

+A Truly Heroic Resistance
+Theory of American Stupidity
+Last Free People in Europe

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of the Belgrade Coup

Editor & Webmaster
Leon Chame - 2008

Yugoslav Associates:
- Zoran Radojicic
- Dejan Vukelic
- George Orwell

Contributing Websites:
- Original Sorces
- Transnational (TFF)
- Fair sources


avgust 20, 2008



















Going to war is not simply a matter of ordering soldiers to fire missiles and drop bombs. There's a lot more involved. The public must be induced to accept and even cheer the bloodshed. That requires some careful preparation. Prior groundwork is needed. Top U.S. officials will deserve a lot of credit -- but they will not get the job done without assists from reporters in Washington and their colleagues overseas.

Oh yes, there will be exceptions -- some skeptical journalists will raise pointed questions about the harm being done by launching a military assault on Iraq -- but they will mostly serve to underscore that dissent which will be properly subsumed by a war agenda. Let's face it: The world is filled with countries run by governments that abuse human rights. (Iraq is one of many.) But the USA has to be very selective. After all, a lot of those governments are closely allied with Washington. And you can't exactly bomb a government while you're sending it millions of dollars every week! Pakistan just a simple example, openly admitted by O`Reilly.

An evenhanded approach to human rights would seriously damage the capacity of the United States to launch attacks across the globe. If you're going to demonize certain leaders -- and that's just about a prerequisite for building a war agenda -- then you've got to pick and choose. To create the proper conditions for war, leave as little to chance as possible. Certain criteria must be met in order to exercise appropriate leadership for war: If you're going to bomb a country, it may as well be one that arrogantly refuses to allow U.S. troops to be stationed on its soil. (European countries are wonderfully hospitable in this regard, but Iraq is a notable exception.)

Steadily vilify the leader of the country you're interested in bombing. Repeatedly emphasize his evil deeds so that reporters, editorial writers and pundits will relay the message. Meanwhile, to avoid distractions, be careful to downplay or ignore the evil deeds of the governments of countries you're not interested in bombing. If a regime is allied with Washington, you'll want to ignore its human rights violations as much as possible.

Don't even think about applying a single standard for human rights. The Pentagon would sure look silly firing cruise missiles at countries that receive massive amounts of U.S. aid, such as Egypt, Israel and Turkey. Get it straight: Some torture is deplorable, some is fundable. Most skills must be learned, so don't hesitate to sit at the feet of the masters of war. You can appreciate -- and emulate -- their achievements.

About an hour before the first missiles struck Yugoslavia, viewers heard a Fox News Channel anchor make an understandable slip: "Let's bring in our Pentagon spokesman -- excuse me, our Pentagon correspondent." The fact that it's so often difficult to tell the difference is a triumph for effective perception management.

And, across television screens, a parade of former military officers will begin. Retired Marine Corps generals a fawning anchor with euphemisms like "neutralize" and "take out. " State-of-the-art TV graphics will continue to enhance the war-viewing experience for a large nationwide audience of Americans who could see their tax dollars at work -- dramatically underscoring President Bush's assertion that the government can do some things very well. More than one Pentagon spokesman -- er, Pentagon correspondent -- will hail the "combat debut" of the B-2 stealth bomber.

The war will be off to a fine start. The Fourth Estate will function smoothly as a fourth branch of government. Let that be a lesson to you.

Leon Chame