Dr. Jan Oberg Director, head of the TFF Conflict-Mitigation team to the Balkans and Georgia T F F Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research Vegagatan 25, S - 224 57 Lund, Sweden Phone +46-46-145909 (0900-1100) Fax +46-46-144512"You have been selected because we believe you take a special interest in issues pertaining to conflict-management and creative thinking about peace, security, development and post-war reconstruction and reconciliation. You are a partner in global networking and dialogue, wanting to contribute to a humane future. TFF PressInfos are normally 1-2 A 4-equivalent texts. They reach a few thousand individuals in government, civil society organizations, business, education, research and media around the world..." "...It's one of the most comprehensive in the fields of peace, conflict-resolution and security with lots of news, links, columns - all written by eminent scholars and thinkers." Yours truly Dr. Jan Oberg ===================== esrevnI eilrahC <Inverse@hovac.com>Thanks for the revealing statistics. Over the years I have come to see that the New World Order says the exact opposite of what it does.
Kiwi Jack <kiwi_jack_1_NOSPAM@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:37301705.83954416@news.pacific.net.sg...Repost: Chameleon = Master Baiter. Queen of his own
destiny, he seeks to post where no man has posted before. Go Chameleon! From: Claude Lowy <clowy@globalserve.net>I often read your postings on the NG's and enjoy them. Your Website is magnificent and very informative. Thank you for the true version of the story on Kossovo, and congratulations. Keep up with the good work. Claude Lowy ===================== From: subsonnic@smartt.com (Roman)Chameleon, Than you very much for your informative posts. I am passing them along to other people so they can see what a horrible, unjust war this is. This war makes me ill and what is worse, is that so many people believe the NATO propaganda. It is important to have other sources of information. My heart goes out to you and to the people of Yugoslavia. ...Roman ===================== |