Clinton Doctrine
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US troops out of Europe!
Clinton Doctrine
Importance of War Crimes
Humanitarian Realpolitik
Cultural Divides
Scenarios Reach the TV Screen
Abramowitz-Albright Policy For Yugoslavia
How to sabotage the OSCE
How to obtain "Justice"
Unified Empires
History as Melodrama


Highly recommended articles:
+ This is the News
+ Bar Too High For Serbs to Comply
+ Why New World Order Hates Serbs
+ New Roman Empire

+A Truly Heroic Resistance
+Theory of American Stupidity
+Last Free People in Europe

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of the Belgrade Coup

Editor & Webmaster
Leon Chame - 2008

Yugoslav Associates:
- Zoran Radojicic
- Dejan Vukelic
- George Orwell

Contributing Websites:
- Original Sorces
- Transnational (TFF)
- Fair sources


avgust 20, 2008


















The Clinton Doctrine-2

The NATO war against Yugoslavia marks a great leap forward toward the depoliticization and criminalization of international relations. In the case of the similar war against Iraq, the regime of Saddam Hussein was in fact a military dictatorship, which did in fact violate international law by invading Kuwait (leaving aside eventual extenuating circumstances), and the United States did obtain a mandate from the United Nations Security Council for at least some (but not all) of its military operations. In the case of Yugoslavia, the military operations were carried out without U.N. mandate against a state with an elected civilian government, which had not violated international law.

NATO's war, directed from Washington, was intended as a pure demonstration that the United States could make or break the law. For it was Yugoslavia, which had not violated international law, that was branded a criminal State. Already on November 5, 1998, the American presiding judge at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, described Yugoslavia as "a rogue state, one that holds the international rule of law in contempt". During the bombing, U.S. and British leaders regularly compared Milosevic to Hitler. And afterwards, the U.S. Senate on June 30 adopted a bill describing Yugoslavia as "a terrorist State", in the total absence of any of the usual criteria for such a designation. The United States is free both to commit crimes, and to criminalize its adversaries. Might is sure of being right.

"A Clinton Doctrine of humanitarian warfare is taking place", rejoiced columnist Jim Hoagland, a leading voice in the chorus of syndicated columnists who have nagged away at the President to get up the gumption to lead NATO through the Balkans into a brave new millennium. This "doctrine" is not quite as spontaneous as it is made to seem by the media chorus which portrays Uncle Sam as a reluctant Hamlet generously stumbling into greatness.

Since the end of the Cold War, United States leaders have been searching for a grand new design to replace the containment doctrine developed after World War II. To this end, the oligarchy that formulates American foreign policy has been hard at work in its various exclusive venues such as the Council on Foreign Relations, private clubs, larger assemblages such as the Trilateral Commission (which specializes in the great American ruling class art of selective co-optation and conversion of potential critics), and a myriad of institutes, foundations and "think tanks", overlapping with a half dozen of the most prestigious universities and, of course, the boards of directors of major corporations and financial institutions. All are united by an unshakable conviction that what is good for the United States (and the business of the United States is business) is good for the world. American policy-makers may be more or less generous or cynical, crafty or forthright, but all necessarily share the conviction that the system which has made America great and powerful should be bestowed on the rest of an often undeserving and recalcitrant world. There is no conflict between this conviction and ruthless pursuit of economic self-interest; they are part of the same mindset.

None better epitomizes the combined power and good conscience of American capitalism than the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, founded in 1910 by the Scottish-American steel king Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) who recycled part of his vast rags-to-riches fortune into philanthropic enterprises. It is fitting that in formulating the Doctrine of Humanitarian Warfare now attributed to Clinton, a major ideological role appears to have been played by the Carnegie Endowment under the presidency of Morton I. Abramowitz.

[ Clinton Doctrine ] Importance of War Crimes ] Humanitarian Realpolitik ] Cultural Divides ] Scenarios Reach the TV Screen ] Abramowitz-Albright Policy For Yugoslavia ] How to sabotage the OSCE ] How to obtain "Justice" ] Unified Empires ] History as Melodrama ]